Are you planning on making any
changes to the outside of your house?
The Association has governing regulations concerning additions or changes to the exterior of any premise. The regulations encompass the installation of landscaping and fences; adding a patio cover, building a patio or pet enclosure, color of paint, etc.. You should review the CC&Rs and the adopted Guidelines to determine the exact requirements that will need approval. The Architectural Review Committee must approve all exterior changes. Applications and plans should be submitted to HOA.FALLCREEK@GMAIL.COM.

Architectural Control Committee
IMPORTANT: Violations to our Covenants and Bylaws are taken very seriously by the HOA. Failure to submit an ACC request, or proceeding without approval will cause further action by the HOA. Be advised that violations not corrected will result in court proceedings.
Remember, some outdoor projects (eg, sprinklers, room additions, pool, driveway modifications) require permits and inspection from the City of Garland and some major indoor home improvement projects may require City permits. Please check with the City of Garland.
To locate underground utility lines with the exception of water and sewer lines, you can call 1-800-DIG-TESS (1-800-344-8377). Water and sewer lines may be located by contacting the Water Department at 972-205-3210. The Water Department will locate the water or sewer taps; they cannot locate lines on private property. ( CoG link )
City of Garland Forms
Home Alarm Permit
The City of Garland requires alarm system users to obtain an alarm permit from the Garland Police Department.
Operating an alarm system without a valid permit can result in fines up to $500.
Garland Alarm Unit homepage: http://www.ci.garland.tx.us/gov/lq/safety/police/unit/alarm.asp
Garland Alarm Permit form: http://www.ci.garland.tx.us/civica/filebank/blobdload.asp?BlobID=6147
Walk & Approach Permit
This permit is for the installation/repair/replacement of sidewalks and driveway approaches.
If you are replacing or widening your driveway and want to replace the approach (that portion of the drive that carries you from the City right-of-way to your private property), this permit is required to be completed; along with a Building Permit for the replacement or widening of your drive.
Additionally, whomever is completing the work must have a "Sidewalk Bond" on file with the City. These forms are available in our offices.
If you want to repair/replace your City sidewalk you may fill out this form and return it to our office for a permit; or call the Engineering Department at (972) 205 - 3913. They have a Sidewalk Bond program wherein they pay 50% and you pay 50% of the cost. If you choose to use the Sidewalk Bond program, you do not have to fill out this form or the Sidewalk Bond.Walk and Approach Permit (9-06)
Swimming Pool & Hot Tub Permit Application
When installing a swimming pool, hot tub or spa a permit is required. Please reference our swimming pool handout for requirements on swimming pools, hot tubs or spas. Pool Permit (9-06)
Subcontractor Permit Application
Residential projects may be completed by the homeowner; provided that you own the house and live in the house. There is an additional "Homeowner's Affidavit" that must be completed at our office. We also require a copy of your drivers license with the address of the construction site on it.
NOTE: All RENTAL property work must be completed by licensed, registered Subcontractor. Subcontractor Permit (9-06)